Blossoming the rose,

her sheer petals,

they rise and enshrine

that inner sanctum.

Its folds, they are red scarlet,

in layer over intense layer,

a blanket of sweet succor,

it has come to my lips.

Drink do I,

from this cup.

A delicate petal,

soft as spun silk

rises upon the golden elixir,

lies as a bleeding heart,

upon the frozen surface

of this conjured love.

About this blog

The road is long, is old,
and where it leads, for us untold;
but no river, cliff, mount, or vale,
can lead us from our unpaved trail;
Through gray marsh heavy with dew,
and twilit plain in gilded hue;
we shall tread 'til the crescent
casts its glow where we've bent;
and all that remains
are long lost domains;
both hidden and veiled,
beyond the next dale.